My skin has been breaking out more than ever since the start of this year. Not huge breakouts, just consistent. At any given time I have 1 to 3 pimples. This is new for me. I am finding if I am diligent, I can control the quantity and severity of the pimples. But, like dieting, it is taking huge discipline. My tools:
1. Wash face right after running. I have been crazy busy this year. In an effort to drive up my energy level, I have stepped up my exercise to running 3+ miles, 3 to 4 days a week. There is nothing like lingering perspiration to ruin the skin.
2. Cut the afternoon caffeine, switch to herbal tea. I am a Starbucks addict. A double tall skim no whip mocha is my daily morning drink. When I feel low in energy in the afternoon, I have been drinking another one, or a mocha frappucino. I think the extra caffeine and milk has been adding to breakouts and skin dehydration. It takes huge will power for me to order passion fruit unsweetened tea instead of a sweet, energizing coffee.
3. Cut the dairy. I love cheese. I am a non-meat eater so I get protein and calcium from cheese. I know this causes me to get pimples around my mouth. Resisting the parmesan on a salad or brie at a cocktail party is so hard.

4. Use
Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare Alpha Beta Daily Peel Pads when desperate. Last night I had 3 inflamed, red pimples right in a row on my right cheek. I used these salicylic acid pads before bed and nothing else. My skin was clear in the morning.

5. Cover and disguise with
Bobbi Brown Face Touch Up Stick (my color - warm beige). I have this bad habit of grabbing any concealer in my drawer to cover pimples with (Laura Mercier, Cle de Peau, Trish McEvoy). The problem is that they cover, but actually the oil in them feeds my blemishes. This Bobbi concealer covers and heals. I keep one in my purse. (A hint - I had to go much darker than my bobbi skin foundation color to get the right coverage.).
Annoying pimples are new territory for me. My current road map is working for now.