Every year, in our sleepy shore town in New Jersey, there is a race on July 4th called the American Mile. The race goes the whole length of the town - one mile. I have been “in” this race for the past five years. Last year, 2009, I ran an inglorious 12 minute mile. After the awards ceremony, my daughter, who was six at the time turned to me and said, “How come you never win anything?”
Talk about a wake up call. She was right. Admittedly, I had had 3 children in a span of 5 years and was not in the greatest shape. I had been walking and doing a little biking, but nothing strenuous. So I decided last summer that I was going to step it up. I started running on the treadmill at the gym last fall. First,1 mile. Then 2 miles. By the spring I had worked up to 3.5 miles 3 to 4 times a week.
This July 4, 2010, I ran a 7 minute mile, and won first place for my age group. (Yes, 40+. In fact, they said I would have won for the 30+ group.) The best part for me – the excitement of my daughters when I went up to collect my medal.
What’s even great are the side effects – I have more energy then ever, the skin on my face has tightened and looks healthier due to the blood flow from running, and I have dropped 5 pounds while looking more toned.
Slow, steady transformation is possible - sometimes we need a little inspiration from our children to kick start it!
Hi Marla! I was getting ready to run to the BM in Lincoln park Chicago for some mascara. I decided to hop on the website first and found your blog. I love this post about you and your girls! Good for you! I love your store so so much and never want to leave once there! If only my pocketbook allowed me to stay longer!
I'm deep into The Housewives of D.C. right now. How are you not on that show!? :)
Nice! Interesting detail that I have been looking for on the Internet and that I found in your post. You made my day ;-)
Cotton Bags
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