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Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Guest Blog: Craft Your Perfect Foundation

Laura is one of our Bluemercury Beauty Council members - our store experts who bring you expert advice, tips and trends every day. Here are a few key tips and tricks to keep in mind about texture, finish and color to help you put your best face forward.
Laura Fischer Grillo
Bluemercury Beauty Council
Shrewsbury, NJ Bluemercury Store

Finding your perfect foundation match can be overwhelming. When choosing a foundation, you first want to ask yourself:

What type of look am I going for?
I always ask Bluemercury clients this question before discussing skin type because there are a lot of women with oily skin who still like a dewy foundation, and women with dry skin who prefer something matte and shine-free. It's all about the marriage between your foundation and primer, so any look is achievable despite what type of skin you have. Once you've decided on your signature look, we can find out what products might best suit your needs.

What is your skin type?
If you are dry or dehydrated from climate change, opt for a moisturizing formula that you can build on for additional coverage. If the formula is too thick and dense, it is more prone to settle into dry patches. The right primer can help to fill in pores and provide a smoother canvas for the makeup to glide on seamlessly.

Beauty Council Picks for Dry Skin:

If you have combination to oily skin, think about foundations that either have a "satin" finish to let your natural glow shine through, or formulas that are "matte" if you want to keep shine at bay. Either way, an oil control primer is your best friend. This will ensure that your natural oils will not separate the makeup on your skin and leave it looking patchy.

Beauty Council Picks for Combination Skin:

If you have mature skin and are looking for a foundation that can multitask, there are a lot of great formulas that infuse makeup and skincare, containing peptides for firming, antioxidant protection, brightening agents and hyaluronic acid to plump up fine lines and wrinkles.

Beauty Council Picks for Mature Skin:

How do I choose my shade?
Visit your local Bluemercury store to try out some different shades - one of our experts can make great recommendations. I tell women to look at the skin on their chest to find their true color match. Often times yellow-toned foundations are the best for camouflaging redness. Pick three different shades you feel are in your color range and try a swatch against your collar bone. Whichever shade is almost invisible will be your best match.

Show us your foundation finds on Instagram: #bluemercury

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't think dry and dehydrated skin types necessarily benefit form the same kind of formula. You can be VERY oily and shiny like me and still have super dehydrated skin. Doesn't mean I can just slather on a super rich formula. I need something with lots of water to bring my moisture levels up without making me extra oily.